Thursday 2 January 2014

Get glowing in the New Year

As the season of over indulgence has come to a close, and one of the most draining months of the year, financially and physically , the word "glowing" is more than likely the last word you would use to describe your skin right now.  After a month of stress,salt, sugar and all things naughty, late nights and minimal sleep, your skin might not be feeling quite what it should be right now.

But with these helpful tips, your skin can bounce back to a glorious glow with just a few quick fixes for the new year.

Step 1. Take a deep breath..and control your stress levels, when you are feeling stressed your skin becomes more sensitive which can lead to skin problems. So just relax and have that extra lie in the morning, don't feel guilty for not getting up and doing something productive with your day, we all need a lazy day from time to time.  Relax and stay in control.

Step 2. Go for a walk, whither its a walk outside on your lunch break, or walking to work, or just taking your dog for a walk..get outside!! It is essential that your skin gets some Vitamin D, which we get directly from sunlight, and the exercise will get the blood pumping round your body, giving your skin a healthy glow.

Step 3. Never go to bed with your makeup on.  Skin is most active at night time, and this is when it starts to repair itself.  This is impossible to do when your skin is suffocating under a layer of makeup.  It only takes a few minutes... so always take makeup off!

Step 4. Once a week find time to give your skin a boost of love.  Exfoliating is essential when it comes to glowing skin.  As you age the natural cycle of skin shedding slows down, which can result in a dull, lifeless skin.  By exfoliating 2-3 times a week, this will help the shedding process, revealing glowy, fresh skin.  Followed by a hydrating skin mask, and a good daily moisturiser ,ensuring a healthy, fresh skin.

Makeup tips 

Step 1. Add a hint of warmth to your skin. When your skin is looking dull and lifeless instead of covering it in a full layer of makeup, resist the urge and instead add some bronzing lotion to your face, such as Clairns instant smooth self tanning or a light covering of tinted moisturise, such as Laura mercier tinted moisturiser this will allow your natural skin glow to come through, without looking artificial.

Step 2. Over come the worn out look by using light textures and creams, instead of heavy powders and bronzers.  A liquid illuminator mixed with a tinted foundation, such as No7 skin illuminater or a light foundation such as  L'Oreal Paris Nude Magique Eau De Teint will instantly transform your skin, Followed by cream blushes and cream highlighters like Benefit high beam, to create a subtle, light glow.

Let me know if you have any more tips to banish the seasonal extravagance.

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